50 research outputs found


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    This paper introduces the real-time coordination of the wind and hydro power plants in the case of a part of the Croatian Power System where hydroā€“wind coordination is represented by VrataruÅ”a wind farm and Senj and Vinodol hydropower plants. The model uses real data which represent generation units that make the power system. Also, the paper describes the general problem which is specific for these type of energy sources. For modeling hydro-wind coordinated generation, the MATLAB/Simulink model is developed. Obtained results, rotor speed, an active and reactive power of wind power plant, voltages, rotor speed, rotor speed deviation, active output power, and stator current of a hydroelectric generator are presented and analyzed


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    Investment in the facility for harnessing a stream of water is usually characterized by long payback period. Hence investment choice not only needs to be optimal, but it also needs to be robust enough to cope with uncertainties which occur during payback period. In this research, a family of flow duration curves is created to model stochastic nature of water availability. The risk-constrained approach for assessment of investments in cascaded hydropower plants is proposed in a form of a mixed-integer linear programming. Proposed approach will manage a risk of large financial losses induced by these uncertainties. The project of run-ofriver power plants on the Sava river stretch (Croatia) from border with Slovenia to the city of Sisak is analyzed


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    This paper introduces the real-time coordination of the wind and hydro power plants in the case of a part of the Croatian Power System where hydroā€“wind coordination is represented by VrataruÅ”a wind farm and Senj and Vinodol hydropower plants. The model uses real data which represent generation units that make the power system. Also, the paper describes the general problem which is specific for these type of energy sources. For modeling hydro-wind coordinated generation, the MATLAB/Simulink model is developed. Obtained results, rotor speed, an active and reactive power of wind power plant, voltages, rotor speed, rotor speed deviation, active output power, and stator current of a hydroelectric generator are presented and analyzed


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    This paper examines the impact of agency conflicts in owner-manager-creditors relations on financial reporting quality. Based on arguments from the agency theory and the positive accounting theory, we assume that companies without debt and in which managers are ultimate owners, i.e. where agency conflicts are not profound, have a higher earnings quality than companies using financial leverage and with separated owner-manager role. The data for empirical part of the research was gathered from Orbis Europe database. The sample consists of very large, large, and medium-sized companies from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia with financial data covering 2018 and 2019. In order to test research hypotheses the sample is divided into two groups depending on a company\u27s ownership and debt characteristics. Descriptive statistics, univariate tests, correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to analyse the results. Our findings indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the earnings quality concerning the type of ownership, while the level of financial leverage, by contrast, significantly decreases the earnings quality.U radu se ispituje utjecaj agencijskih sukoba u odnosima vlasnik-menadžer-vjerovnici na kvalitetu financijskog izvjeÅ”tavanja. Na temelju argumenata iz agencijske teorije i teorije pozitivnog računovodstva, pretpostavlja se da tvrtke bez dugova u kojima su menadžeri krajnji vlasnici, tj. gdje agencijski sukobi nisu duboki, imaju veću kvalitetu zarade od tvrtki koje se koriste financijskom polugom i imaju odvojene uloge vlasnika i menadžera. Za empirijski dio istraživanja podaci su prikupljeni iz baze podataka Orbis Europe. Uzorak se sastoji od vrlo velikih, velikih i srednjih poduzeća iz Hrvatske, Srbije i Slovenije s financijskim podacima za 2018. i 2019. godinu. Za provjeru hipoteza istraživanja uzorak je podijeljen u dvije skupine, ovisno o vlasničkom i dužničkom obilježju poduzeća. Za analizu rezultata koriÅ”teni su deskriptivna statistika, univarijantni testovi, korelacijska analiza i regresijska analiza. NaÅ”i nalazi pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u kvaliteti zarade s obzirom na vrstu vlasniÅ”tva, za razliku od razine financijske poluge koja značajno smanjuje kvalitetu zarade

    Influence of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, potassium and boron on the level and seasonal changes of nitrogen, potassium and boron concentrations in the olive leaves cv. Oblica

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    Istraživan je utjecaj folijarne primjene duÅ”ika, kalija i bora na razinu i dinamiku koncentracije duÅ”ika, kalija i bora u listu masline sorte Oblica. Koncentracija duÅ”ika u liŔću je bila najveća u zimsko-proljetnom razdoblju, a najniža sredinom vegetacije u vrijeme otvrdnjavanja koÅ”tice ploda. Koncentracija kalija u liŔću se povećavala postupno do razdoblja dozrijevanja plodova. Koncentracija bora u liŔću masline nije očitovala pravilnost promjena tijekom vegetacijske sezone. Folijarna primjena N, K i B očitovala se značajnim povećanjem koncentracija duÅ”ika, kalija i bora u liŔću masline.Influence of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, potassium and boron in comparison with untreated control trees on the level and seasonal changes of nitrogen, potassium and boron in the olive leaves cv. Oblica were observed over the growing season. The concentration of N in the leaf was the highest in the winter-springtime period, while the lowest N concentration was observed in the middle of the vegetation when stone in the fruit was hardening. Leaf potassium concentration gradually rose up to time of fruit ripening. Boron concentration showed no clear seasonal tendency. Foliar application of N, K and B caused significantly higher leaf N,K and B concentration

    Influence of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, potassium and boron on the level and seasonal changes of nitrogen, potassium and boron concentrations in the olive leaves cv. Oblica

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    Istraživan je utjecaj folijarne primjene duÅ”ika, kalija i bora na razinu i dinamiku koncentracije duÅ”ika, kalija i bora u listu masline sorte Oblica. Koncentracija duÅ”ika u liŔću je bila najveća u zimsko-proljetnom razdoblju, a najniža sredinom vegetacije u vrijeme otvrdnjavanja koÅ”tice ploda. Koncentracija kalija u liŔću se povećavala postupno do razdoblja dozrijevanja plodova. Koncentracija bora u liŔću masline nije očitovala pravilnost promjena tijekom vegetacijske sezone. Folijarna primjena N, K i B očitovala se značajnim povećanjem koncentracija duÅ”ika, kalija i bora u liŔću masline.Influence of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, potassium and boron in comparison with untreated control trees on the level and seasonal changes of nitrogen, potassium and boron in the olive leaves cv. Oblica were observed over the growing season. The concentration of N in the leaf was the highest in the winter-springtime period, while the lowest N concentration was observed in the middle of the vegetation when stone in the fruit was hardening. Leaf potassium concentration gradually rose up to time of fruit ripening. Boron concentration showed no clear seasonal tendency. Foliar application of N, K and B caused significantly higher leaf N,K and B concentration

    Influence of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, potassium and boron on the level and seasonal changes of nitrogen, potassium and boron concentrations in the olive fruits cv. Oblica

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    Istraživan je utjecaj folijarne primjene duÅ”ika, kalija i bora na razinu i dinamiku koncentracije duÅ”ika, kalija i bora u plodu masline sorte Oblica. Koncentracija duÅ”ika i kalija u plodu postupno se povećavala do razdoblja dozrijevanja, a razlike pod utjecajem folijarne primjene nisu bile statistički opravdane. Koncentracija kalija u liŔću se postupno povećavala do razdoblja dozrijevanja plodova. Folijarna primjena bora odrazila se na signifikantno povećanje njegove koncentracije u plodu. Utvrđena je signifikantna korelacija između sadržaja kalija i ulja u plodu.Influence of foliar nutrition with nitrogen, potassium and boron in comparison with untreated control trees on the level and seasonal changes of nitrogen, potassium and boron in the olive fruits cv. Oblica was observed over the growing season. The concentration of nitrogen and potassium in the fruit was gradually rising during the growing period until the time of fruit ripening, but the differences caused by foliar application of N, K and B were not significant. Foliar application of boron caused significantly higher fruit boron content. Significant positive correlation between oil and potassium content in the fruit was observed